●GIFTS FROM HEAVEN @ The Waluso Gallery
Feb 14 thru Mar 7, 2022


Shadow Tag / かげふみ – Acrylic on canvas – 80cm x 116cm


Counting Stars / ほしをかぞえて – Acrylic on canvas – 60cm x  80cm


Cumulonimbus / にゅうどうぐも – Acrylic on canvas – 60cm x  80cm


Snow Covered Morning / ゆきのあさ – Acrylic on canvas – 50cm x 50cm


You Are Always In My Heart – Acrylic on canvas – 50cm x 50cm – Commissioned


Wish to Enjoy the View with You – Acrylic on canvas – 50cm x 50cm – Commissioned


Morning at the Window / あさのまどべで – Acrylic on canvas – 53cm x 45.5cm


Lost Track of Time / ときをわすれて – Acrylic on canvas – 53cm x 45.5cm


By The Time I’m Dreaming / ゆめみるころに – Acrylic on canvas – 53cm x 45.5cm


Morning of the Earth / だいちのあさ - Acrylic on canvas – 60cm x 30cm


Evening of the Earth / だいちのゆうぐれ – Acrylic on canvas – 60cm x 30cm


Night of the Earth / だいちのよる – Acrylic on canvas – 60cm x 30cm